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What can you do with 15% more revenue in your business?

Book a Call to find out how

Veritas helps DTC brands transform their websites into sales machines through Conversion Rate Optimization.

Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO):

Increase your website’s conversion rate and transform it into a sales machine

Trusted by Brands like:

“Capturing significantly more value out of our marketing efforts and spend. Took the leap with Veritas and never looked back.”

Find out the exact strategies we used for PureVitalize >


The Veritas Difference

With Veritas vs without Veritas statistics comparison

*Industry averages according to Adobe

MRR added on average to our clients
$ 0
of A/B tests resulted in more conversions
0 %
time to impact*
0 days

*Metrics measured in the past 6 months.

“Great team, goes the extra mile.”

“We usually revamp our website every year, costing us a fortune. We didn’t know what CRO was till we talked to Veritas, saving us a ton of money. What set them apart was how intuitively they understood our needs as an eCommerce brand – terrific guys!”

Find out the exact strategies we used to help Liqht add $24,191 to their MRR >



CRO just helps to convert more of your website visitors into buyers. We find out why people aren’t buying and plug those holes on your site.

Here’s how your website host calculates your conversion rate: (Buyers/Visitors x 100)%

Industry average Conversion Rate is 2.81%. Our clients’ average Conversion Rate is 4.2%. 

Our rates are contingent on the KPIs we will set together. If you don’t win, we don’t win.

We make our clients more than they invest in us – our clients typically see 7-10x their investment during the phase of our programs. To see if we’re compatible, book a call here.

You absolutely could! But it’ll take a lot of your valuable time and effort to learn and execute CRO proficiently. We’d love to take care of it by doing extensive customer research, cohort segmentation and website analysis, A/B testing and technical implementations with the expertise we’ve built over the years.

We also know the best strategies that winning DTC brands use, so we’ll get you where you want to be faster.

Leverage us to produce results for you while your competition wonders why they don’t get the same results with their marketing efforts!

CRO is for brands at a certain level, but want to be even bigger and better. It requires a certain level of scale where you have to have enough visitors to run statistically significant tests.

This normally means a minimum of 20k monthly visitors. But if you’re not at that point yet, we can help you optimize your website to get there. Book a Call with us to find out if we’ll work well together.

CRO is more than just adding plug-ins to your site that upsell your products or retargeting your abandoned carts.

Our combination of technical expertise in CRO and qualitative experience in knowing what works to grow DTC brands makes us the best in the field.

Look through our case studies yourself!

CRO is a long term game. The effects from our implementations tend to compound with time. Our average time-to-impact of our services for the past 6 months has been 86 days.

Yes, we do! We’re a do-it-for-you agency.

We’ll do the customer/website research, brainstorm and design AB tests, run them and of course implement the winners on your website.

The whole A-Z is taken care of. You can be as involved as you like! Our reports will keep you in sync anyways. Some of our clients like to work alongside us. Others take a more hands off approach. All of them get the same great results.

Who we are:

Harrish - Founder, Veritas

Hey 👋

I’m Harrish, the founder of Veritas, a full service Conversion Rate Optimization firm driven to help DTC Brands grow explosively. I started Veritas because of my passion for marketing and my inclination for analytics. CRO is a concept I fell in love with a few years ago when I first read about it. Oh and I love travelling, scuba diving and philosophy!

Veritas is a Shopify Partner that has grown and developed an excellent system that brings consistent and significant results for our clients through analytics, A/B testing and an agile implementation process. Our clients think so too; we added an average of $32,821 to their monthly revenue in the past 6 months!

The bottom line: As a performance driven company, we believe that results speak. If you don’t win, we don’t win. Book a call with me to understand areas of improvement to your website, no obligation! I’ll have my CRO experts look through your site and give you 3 improvements to your website that can improve your Conversion Rate in 30 days. If we feel that we can help you win, we’ll look into kick-starting our relationship to grow together.


Want to add 15% to your Revenue?

What we’ll cover in the call:

If you’re a DTC Brand with:
  • at least 20,000 visitors per month

  • Average Order Value of at least $35

Work with us to add 15% to your Revenue. If we don’t perform, we’ll pay you back what you paid us, no questions asked. No risk, all the reward. That’s how confident we are in our performance.