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Our Results - Case Studies

How Veritas helped PureVitalize add $55,440 to their Monthly Revenue with Conversion Rate Optimization(CRO)
PureVitalize struggled with a low conversion rate and did not want to burn substantial cash on rebuilding website entirely. We made sure they didn’t have to spend another cent to multiply their MRR.


PureVitalize was struggling to increase sales substantially without investing large sums of money into their advertising

PureVitalize had great products and were looking to scale further

Founder was investing a large sum to entirely rebuild their website on a yearly basis to increase their Conversion Rate, which was only industry average


Veritas analysed their website to understand how visitors interacted with the site and what made them leave without making a purchase

Our team of experienced CRO experts ran high velocity A/B tests across the website at points of identified friction

75% of the tests resulted in an increase in conversion rate to the website, adding $55,440 of monthly revenue without any increase in ad spend or website overhaul

This is a substantial 42% increase to their conversion rate

Conversion Rate Optimization - Veritas Analytics

Our clients typically see a 7-10x return during the phase of our CRO program!

Ready to optimise your website as an automatic sales machine?

We’ll help you identify possible conversion roadblocks and remove them. Find out how

$24,191 new monthly revenue added to Liqht in the first 90 days through Conversion Rate Optimization(CRO).

Liqht’s conversion rate plateaued as they scaled the brand. Ran out of ideas to increase revenue without burning more ad spend dollars.


They were unsure on how to scale their brand without investing a substantial amount on ad spend

Marketing team ran out of ideas on how to increase conversion rate

Liqht wanted to scale sustainably and increase their current marketing ROI


Our experts thoroughly analysed the data coming from Liqht’s website

We identified huge drop off points of visitors in website, leading to thousands of lost dollars in revenue

Extensive research and testing uncovered a new audience segment , enabling them to target a new customer base and add $24,191 to their monthly revenue

Our clients typically see results within 84 days during the phase of our CRO program!

Ready to maximise your Return-on-Ad-Spend?

We’ll help you scale your business rapidly with our data-driven strategies. Find out how

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